Am I Skinny Yet?

Hmm. I just caught sight of myself in the mirror and I suspect the answer is no. Fuck. Last Christmas, I was heading into the New Year feeling frustrated that over the course of the year I’d only lost about twenty pounds. This time, I’m heading into the New Year having lost and regained the same fucking twenty pounds several times over, and I’ll probably achieve a net result of sweet bugger all as I step over the threshold of 2018.

You could say that 2017 hasn’t quite gone according to plan.

Don’t you always think that the end of the year is a great time for taking stock of where you’re at? Don’t worry, I’m not about to get all maudlin on your ass, I mean I’m in quite a good place as it happens. My bum might still be the size of a small continent but I’m reasonably fit these days and I’m enjoying living my life. My eyes are focused on what’s in front of me, not what’s gone before, and I have a feeling that 2018 is the year I’m going to knock it out of the park.

I survived a buffet yesterday. Not gonna lie, the only green thing on my plate was a cucumber stick and in the spirit of full disclosure there was an enormous dollop of hummus on the end so I can’t use it as a shining beacon of food sobriety.

I also had a piece of quiche, a handful of Doritos and a small bit of cheesecake but all in all I didn’t do too bad. No sausage rolls and no bread. Most importantly I didn’t come home and think fuck it, I’ve blown today already so I may as well eat Chinese food. I chucked the balance of my weekly points into yesterday’s bucket just in case, and moved on.

I’m now function-free right over the holiday season, and although I’m going to buy one or two goodies for Christmas day, both me and my boy are pretty determined to stay true to our respective food plans so I have no plans to fill the cupboards with food fuckery. This will be my third Christmas without cheese balls…who could’ve imagined that might ever happen? I’m amazed.

So what do you reckon about Sunday’s weigh-in? I’m feeling good about the week, and even though I’ve eaten a bunch of fat-girl food I’ve stayed within points. My money’s on a one pound loss, although I was going for three. Would you care to make a small wager…?

Listen guys, whatever you’re up to over the next few days I wish you all the love in the world and I hope you have an awesome Christmas. Good luck with your respective food plans and I hope Santa is kind. I’m sorry for being an imperfect role model and spending much of this year fannying about eating the wrong stuff. Often in industrial quantities, to my shame. I’ll do better next year, I promise. Most of all, thank you for the big love and massive support…I feel you behind me with every step, and you’re amazing.

I’ll update the Shitbird Chronicles as usual on Sunday, and I’ll be back with another post next Wednesday. I’m totally praying that the Gods of Skinny find a way to keep me on this straight and narrow path between now and then 🙂


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22 thoughts on “Am I Skinny Yet?

  1. Me too! Although, right now I have the sneaky idea that any days I carve out a little exercise time, I am somehow ransoming my Jan.1st from the dreaded New Year’s Resolution. You know?

    Been trying to log in spite of all – more often than not, I end up taking a wild stab at it. Different people in this program have started a log entry for Random Crap calories. I have your term Food Fuckery to use too. Happy New Year,

  2. Dee, you are indeed generous with the sharing and all your encouragement. Good stuff! Never think your blog is failing to help us , certainly helping me keep my focus… as I have been on my parallel journey. Another year, it’s incredible. Merry Christmas, all. & I am pulling for 2018 to be a kick-ass year, too!

    1. Aw it’s our third year walking this path together Fleury, sisters-in-arms against our respective assholes!! Here’s to kicking their ass all the way to splitsville in 2018 eh? Love to you and yours over the holidays xxx

  3. Don’t apologise for being an imperfect role model. I have learned so much from you. In particular how to keep getting up again and starting over instead of throwing in the towel. So this year wasn’t the greatest weight wise but you learned some things along the way and it has been really entertaining for me to read. I have laughed out loud and startled the cat many a time.

    I hope you and your boy and Charlie dog have a wonderful Christmas xxx

  4. I’m about even for the year as well and it feels crappy – I’ve been up and down the same 2 pounds all year long. I put together a list – New Year’s Resolutions? – of things to work on next year. Top of my list needs to be eating at home more and committing to exercise. Hope the new year has good things in store for you!

  5. You are such a great writer, Dee – I love the way you phrase things! I’ve always wanted to write like you do. So how did I end up? Writing manuals about how to build and run a submarine. I’ve a ways to go to match you, my friend!

    1. No way!!! Oh my lord I knew our posse would contain some characters but that’s awesome!! Have an amazing Christmas Donna and thanks for being there xx

  6. I love reading your blog because you keep it real, and your very human like the rest of us. Also back in the day long ago now from what I remember it took me 2 blasted years to remove 40 pounds off my body so don’t feel bad about slow weight loss. Best of all the weight has stayed off which, I think is way more important than how fast you lose the weight. I’m glad I lost my weight before the culture shift that we have experienced here in America and around the world.
    I don’t know about where you live but here in the good ole USA we live in a food tsunami now days we are surrounded by fast food places on every corner just about. Plus we have magazines, and channels on the TV dedicated to food so it is no wonder people struggle so hard with weight issues. Also back in the day I felt really out of place being almost 200 pounds now days nobody would blink and eye at that yet it still wouldn’t be healthy for me. All that to say I think the environment and the “time” that we live in make it much harder to lose weight now days and to keep it off. Thanks for letting us share our thoughts here.

    Now go have yourself a Merry Christmas! See you back here next Wednesday.

  7. The scale may not have changed much over the year, but you have. Lessons learned, your head is in a better place, and you are healthier and the exercise goes on.

    No journey is 100% straight, don’t give up and you will get there. It’s not your job to always be the role model, it’s your job to live your life and learn your lessons and it’s great that you share with us on the way and let us share back.

    You and your boy have a blessed and beautiful Merry Christmas!

  8. Well done on avoiding the sausage rolls and at least you’re hanging on in there going into the Christmas period and you’re in a good place which is excellent! You’re on solid ground in preparation for maximising your plan and you’ll do it, I have great faith in you. Have a fabulous Christmas lovely lady and here is to kicking ass in 2018! You’ve got this💪🏼 and I’ll be right there beside you sorting out my own shit 😂 xxx

  9. My weight has been creeping up all week but I’m trying not to stress too much – what is one week in a lifetime? (Pity there’s been quite a few of the naughty ones, not just one a year!) Back into it after Christmas.

    1. You took a conscious decision didn’t you, to step off over the holidays…that sort of gives you permission to not stress about it Natalie, you can step back on afterwards and get on with the skinny business, right? Have a great Christmas, lots of love to you and yours 🙂

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