Getting Into My Groove

Old habits are hard to break sometimes, right? When I got back from the Kingdom of Pain last night after an hour of circuit training I was ravenous, and before I’d even climbed out of my sweaty togs I had my head in the fridge to explore supper options. I started fixing myself an omelette, but despite getting myself all set up first with kitchen scale and the ingredients I needed to weigh, I caught myself lobbing a handful of chopped pepper straight into the pan.

I mean, the scales were right there  on my production line, but my hands chopped the peppers and the only thing that landed on the scale was a swift fuck you as my auto-pilot messed up the system and bypassed that step without a second thought. My app was open right next to me so I could log the calories, but my head was still living in the world where peppers didn’t count.

Like a fully paid-up drama queen, I stamped my foot and acted like the world had ended.

Well that’s it Dee you’ve fallen off the wagon, you may as well go eat cake immediately because you’ve ruined it. You’ll never know how many calories were in those peppers now…

I must have stared at them sizzling in the pan for a good thirty seconds, fighting the temptation to fish them out piece by piece and weigh them after the event. Fortunately common sense prevailed before OCD could kick in, but I did chop about the same amount of pepper all over again just so I could weigh it. It’s currently in a bag in the fridge ready to be eaten later today so it didn’t go to waste, but I’m beginning to see how this could become a bit…obsessive.

The discipline of logging everything isn’t worrying me as much as I thought it might, but I’m becoming disproportionately fascinated by all the reports and graphs which analyse in the minutest of detail exactly what I’m putting into my body.

What do you mean I’ve eaten too much sugar??? (screams at smartphone) – aside from all the stuff that tastes of MDF because it’s busy being all high fibre and low fat, over the course of the day I’ve had a child-sized banana, a handful of grapes and a hundred fucking calories’ worth of cherries. I can’t possibly be over my sugar goal, I’m NOT HAVING IT!!!

I need to chill out a bit, and I’m sure I will eventually once I’ve worked out all the kinks. Exercise has taken on a whole new meaning since God Of Pain approved the new regime on the condition that I eat my exercise calories, because I’m working out and it’s important to properly fuel my body. And let’s be fair that means extra rations so I’m hardly going to argue.

I rarely have time to get to the gym before work because the office is just shy of fifty miles away, but I nipped out for a cheeky half an hour on my bike yesterday morning and then did an hour or circuit training last night…I’m getting adept at sneaking a look at my watch as I work out. Not to keep an eye on the time, more watch the calories rolling into my food bank…ooh look, I’ve earned another grape…

It’s not too bad you know, in fact I’d go so far as to say I’m actually enjoying it 🙂

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12 thoughts on “Getting Into My Groove

  1. As you get used to logging things, it will become second nature, just like exercise is becoming second nature.

    One of my favorite comic strips shows a lady collapsed over the front of a treadmill, sweat pouring off of her, and the trainer standing in front of her with a chipper smile saying, “Congratulations! You’ve earned enough calories for 3 M&Ms!”

  2. I would have just snatched them out of the pan and weighed them myself on a piece of parchment if I were counting like you are. I’m trying to get back into blogging and reading weight loss blogs and I am glad that I found yours last night. 🙂

  3. (Honestly, the fruits you mention, grapes and bananas, are the types I can’t fit into my day. Not even single-ly. Just too much sugar.)

    I rely on my fruit to help get my fiber number high enough. Red raspberries are my dear friend. I keep them in the freezer with a measuring cup in the package instead of a spoon. There are good low sugar fruit lists on the internet. Also higher fiber fruit lists. Mr Google will help.

    I try to have as much of my carbs come from green type veggies as possible, because that increases my volume of food. And helps with fiber too.

    And yes, that fat number can rise very quickly. And I have mine set pretty high. Still adds up amazingly fast.

    I find, personally, I do not have trouble staying within my calories. But it is a daily balance to keep my carbs and fat numbers in line/down. And always a challenge to get my protein number high enough.

    I think it is fairly natural that you are looking at the numbers a lot right now, because you are learning. From what you have said, this is really new to you. And as you see what is really high (takes a major bite out of your day) and what nets you a lot more/healthy food, it is an education.

    My planning happens at the grocery store. I stock my kitchen with what helps me. I do not stock my kitchen with what will hurt me. So then at meal time it is pretty easy. And I stay stocked so I can (pretty much) always eat from home/take food with me.

    I also, personally avoid food that starts a chain reaction of wanting more of that food or wanting more of other foods. I love all that I eat. But I avoid things that get my taste buds TOO fired up. I watch out for the sugar-salt-fat loop.

    1. Thanks Vicki it’s helpful to see how you guys manage it. I’m not going to get too hung up on all the macros, and focus instead on what feels healthy, staying within my calorie budget and not eating trigger foods which fit me is anything with refined sugar. If you know me at all you’ll know occasionally I get fixated on the wrong things! ?

      1. Good plan. Makes sense. You can adjust later as needed.

        Curious how much differently you feel you are eating now – ?

        1. I feel in control, and I’m not necessarily eating different food (I was refined sugar free anyway) but the quantities are worlds apart!!

  4. I love your writing! And I laughed right out loud at ” Not to keep an eye on the time, more watch the calories rolling into my food bank…ooh look, I’ve earned another grape…”

  5. LOL: Glad your GOP is also guiding your excursion into calories. Be alert for some of the common pitfalls.

    For me, (& it’s sort of reinforced by general reading), fat is a friend – some people keep stressing “healthful fat.” But sometimes it is a tablespoon of olive oil, or of butter, or, brace yourself – bacon fat. Fats help me get the benefit of proteins & other nutrients, provide satiety, comfort me with the familiar, satisfying, “real” versions of foods. (Wow, that’s one physical, one physiological, one purely psycholo/emotional).

    1. Oh Fleury I’m all over that! It’s one of the boxes I have to tick and strangely one I’m not having any trouble hitting! Mmmmmm bacon… ❤

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