So things went from bad to worse in the neck department…after just about four days of agony I couldn’t take any more, and after a complete sense of humour failure this morning I threw myself on the mercy of a good physiotherapist. It seems I have a badly inflamed disc in my neck, and the muscles have locked down in a big fat spasm to try and protect it which is why nothing from the shoulders up is working.
I’ve got to be honest, as I laid there on the couch and she did her thing, I considered the possibility that she was actually trying to kill me. But, now I’m home and over the shock it feels a tiny bit easier.
Upshot is, I’m under orders. No exercise (apart from the ones she has given me for my neck), and complete rest, so no work and especially no laptop…which means no blog
That’s like being grounded and having all my toys removed…what on earth will I do?
I have more physio booked in for Thursday, and hopefully towards the end of the week I’ll be back in action…until then I’ll miss you guys like mad. But this really bloody hurts, so much as it pains me I’m following the rules!
Thanks for all your messages…promise I’ll be back soon, and in the meantime lots of love to you all