From the minute I opened my eyes this morning it’s been one long battle with the Asshole, whose plans for me this weekend were rather at odds with my own. I think it’s been brought on by the fact that we got a new TV this week after the old one went kaput, and in days gone by that would have meant a weekend full of me laying in the armchair taking advantage of the new cinematic experience.
I’ve got to admit, it’s a monster. With my usual vague stab at measurements, I ordered the new one on-line whilst I was at work, mentally estimating the size so I could replace the old one with something similar. Lets just say I was a cock-hair or two out in my estimation, in the same way that all those years ago when Charlie dog moved in as a cocker spaniel puppy he ended up with a dog bed that could have comfortably housed two Great Danes.
Anyway, it’s here, and our living room now looks like the IMAX cinema. And as I pottered downstairs this morning I would have sold my granny to be able to curl up in the chair with an armful of junk food and eat my way through a day at the movies. God I can’t even tell you how badly I wanted to do that. It was never going to happen of course, but I needed to find something to occupy my mind and my hands as insurance against letting the Asshole talk me into it, because I swear he’d have been pushing on an unlatched door.
So, I’ve been tinkering…
I’ve blown out the useless blokes with spanners, and finally identified a new and better email subscriber programme which will actually work . It’s got to be better than this crappy widget that I’ve had to constantly keep propping up with manual work-arounds over the last 6 months, right? I reached the end of my rope yesterday when even my manual workaround didn’t send…the air in Skinny Towers was blue!
If you are already on my subscriber list you don’t need to do anything…I can transfer the details, so from tomorrow you should start to get your skinny mail again. Lets all keep our fingers crossed that this one is more reliable than the last!
For those of you with eagle eyes, you might have also noticed a long yellow box towards the bottom of every page which appears to be filled with nothing. It’s a box which will eventually house some advertising – before you groan and chuck something at the screen, it’s a bit of an experiment. I was curious about whether I could grasp the concept of coding to make such a thing appear. And it seems I could…get me!
For now, I’ll run with it as pot luck targeted advertising, and even I don’t know what we’re going to get. Apparently they try and match the content to what we’re talking about in the blog so I can’t wait to see what they make of us lot. If it’s intrusive or annoying or I just don’t like the look of it once it gets populated with stuff I’ll take it down. Ultimately I’d like to select myself what appears in there, but I’m quite picky and none of the stuff I’ve been approached about has passed my quality test…
And finally if you make it right down to the bottom of the page, past the post and any comments I’ve extended the list of recent comments for those of you who like to go back and check-in with what’s on everyone’s mind, and I’ve added a tag cloud which shows what we talk about the most. I’ve never added ‘tags’ to my posts so I’m retrospectively doing that now…it might take a while to get to them all!
There’s also a new pop-up box which asks you if you’d like to share what you’ve just read…I’ve set it to appear at the very bottom so it it doesn’t piss you off as you’re trying to read, but as always I appreciate any social media shares to help us grow our community.
So, tinkering done, Charlie dog walked, no long and frustrating conversations with a bloke clutching a spanner at some call centre at the other side of the world waiting to be had…that’s me done and off to the cinema in my living room without the junk food! Enjoy your weekend, whatever you’re up to