Look what I went and did! I’ve been so busy and distracted this week with stuff, that the six month anniversary of our little community passed right under my nose without me even noticing. So, happy six months and three days anniversary! My tardiness means it doesn’t exactly trip off the tongue, but it’s a milestone I’m very proud of none the less.
You know, I didn’t really know what my website was going to look like when I started writing. I knew I didn’t want it to be a preachy teachy blog, and I didn’t want it to be a dear diary today I ate this kind of blog either. I didn’t want to write a blog which banged the drum for one particular type of food plan, and I definitely didn’t want annoying adverts plastered all over it. All things considered I think it’s fair to say I was more certain about what I didn’t want than what I did.
It just sort of found its own groove a couple of weeks in. When I look back over my first half dozen or so posts, I can’t help pulling a bit of a face…lets be honest they were a bit naff! I didn’t imagine at that point that many people would ever actually read them, and bad as they are, whilst it’s in my gift to do so, I somehow can’t bring myself to change them, or make them better. If I did, it wouldn’t be authentic…you’ve always been served up exactly what was in my head at any given point in time, and that sort of feels important to me. I’m just a bit more practiced at shaping it now that’s all.
There are 191 published posts and almost one hundred and twenty thousand words, and that’s just my words…add your words too, weaved in and out of the two thousand or so comments in the thought threads…it blows my mind. Look what we did!
What’s interesting now, is that I’m starting to get approached by folk who want me to endorse stuff. I mean seriously, I’m just a fat lass on a diet. I walk around with random shit in my head most of the time which I share with you willy nilly. I’m not sure that qualifies me to wave a banner and recommend stuff.
(Just on the off chance that the nice man from Chanel is looking, I’m a bit fond of your leather goods so you know, happy to oblige if you need a brand ambassador. I mean, even fat arms look awesome if they’re accessorised with a double C, right? What do you mean ‘what are fat arms’?)
I’ve almost come unstuck once or twice. You know how trusting I am…I got conned just before Christmas when that medical website in the US invited me to have you guys offer up your tips to stay safe over the holidays. Let’s swap tips they said…we’ll have some fun and post the best ones on social media…I thought GREAT! Sounds like fun…no, what they were really after was a free plug on here, and a link through to their website.
In fact, worse than that, I think they were secretly hoping you didn’t stay safe, and that you might remember if your leg was hanging by a thread that Dee from Break Out The Skinny Girl had mentioned a bunch of doctors who might be able to help sew it back on, for a modest fee. I didn’t cotton on at first, until I realised they didn’t have any social media. Cheeky knackers. So I’m a bit more careful now, and I’ve said no to everything else so far.
What do you mean am I open to bribery..? Duh, of course I bloody am.
I’d love to think that all of you are feeling a bit skinnier and maybe a bit healthier than you were at back in August when we started chatting, or at the very least have felt the support of this little community as you hop, skip and occasionally face plant through this rocky path to Skinny Town. I value your company and your chatter more than I can tell you, and I have to thank you for helping me every step of the way so far. I couldn’t have got this far without you, and I’m looking forward to continuing this journey with all of you
Oh and before you go…I must apologise to those of you who are signed up for the subscription email. The tech guys have been working on it since Wednesday, I swear it’s enough to drive me to the hob-nobs. After sending a second completely random notification on Wednesday night it’s remained stubbornly silent since and nothing I’ve done so far has coaxed it back into life. I’m hoping your daily email notification will be up and running again soon…sodding thing drives me crazy!