So, I was skeptical, I must admit when my friend threw her suggestion into the mix a few days ago about always putting her face on because it made her feel better. I thought long and hard about whether I could really be arsed. First thing in the morning I’m always pushed for time anyway, and these days it’s more than a two minute job you know? But hey, it was my second promise to myself, and I’m a woman of my word, right?
It’s been a bit of an eye opener. I mean first things first, it’s done sod all from an eating point of view – it’s been a challenging week actually in that respect, brought on yesterday by me accidentally eating 15 points’ worth of Ferrero Rocher dark chocolates that someone had left in the office.
Picture the scene, right? I’m sat at my desk minding my own business when one of our colleagues from another department waltzes in with some fancy new chocolates. Don’t you just hate it when that happens, someone always seems to bring out a new chocolate treat when I’m on a diet. But anyway, I’d behaved myself up to that point, fruit for breakfast and some low-ish points soup at lunchtime so I had plenty of good girl in the bank. I took the packaging, and pointed them up…3 smart points each, oh hell go on then, don’t mind if I do.
You know when something just doesn’t live up to expectations..? It wasn’t nice. I ate the half I’d bitten into and threw the rest in the bin. Yes, you did just read that right…me, throwing chocolate away…that’s how bad it was. But then I spotted the Ferrero Rocher chocolates on top of the filing cabinet, and thought what a fabulous idea, I’ll have one of those to take the taste away. It worked too, at least the first one did. I’m not sure whether numbers two, three, four and five served much of a purpose if I’m being honest.
So clearly putting my slap on didn’t have any effect at all on the asshole voice, but genuinely, it has made me feel better about myself, and I’d go so far as to say that it felt like some of the people in the building looked at me yesterday for the first time. Let’s keep it in perspective here for a minute, I’m still carrying 118lbs’ worth of extra arse that has no right to be in my pants, so I’m not saying I’m transformed but I’ve sort of hit them with a bit of a triple whammy this week.
New clothes, two sizes down now that are fitting me for the first time, wrapped around a work-in-progress shrinking silhouette. I’ve put my face on every day to go to work, and the third thing that I’ve not mentioned are my new glasses. Normally I wear contacts but my prescription has changed recently and the new ones haven’t come yet. However, the glasses I ordered at the same time have, and I’ve been wearing them which has added to the general confusion…who is that woman in the HR office who looks a bit like Dee?
It’s a good feeling, I’m not gonna lie
And by the way, thank you so much for your lovely emails about the pictures I put on the ‘about me’ page, and the Facebook page. Now I’m 50lbs+ down, I’m more confident about sharing the ‘before’ photos…I’m somehow able to divorce who I am now from who I was then. Funny isn’t it, I think the fact that I don’t ever remember that face looking back at me shows how much I avoided mirrors in recent times.
Our old friend Mr Steele took the time to email again, yes that Mr Steele, he of BOTSG troll infamy. It appears he still reads along, which is surprising since his last note seemed to suggest that he didn’t care much for what we do around here. I think there might have been an attempt at a compliment buried somewhere in his email, however he didn’t quite pull it off…why am I not surprised…
If you’re reading this, Sir, pointing out that my face used to look like a dinner plate isn’t helpful. Yes, I’ve lost weight and I’m flattered that you noticed, however I am still the same person. And you are clearly still a nob.