Monthly Archives: January 2016

Seeing It With Knowing Eyes

fat-woman-shopping-products-cartoon-illustration-shopper-carries-bags-purchases-56051127I had a business meeting a long way from home this week, and since I was travelling there and back in a day I decided to go on the train. The meeting went well, all except for the Ben & Jerry’s vending machine which randomly stood right outside the room we were using. It was almost as though someone had put it there to torture me.

I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that my head spent at least half the time out in the corridor mentally choosing which flavour I’d dive into first, given half the chance. Clearly there are some bloody tough meetings that go on in that room if they need to keep emergency ice-cream on hand…thankfully I managed to resist, despite the Asshole voice giving it his best shot.

Anyway, as I waited for my train home I bought lunch from the coffee shop on the platform. The lady in front of me in the queue had an armful of stuff, and made a big deal of pointing out to the lady who served her that not all of it was for her. I don’t know why, but I knew right in that moment that actually, it was.

As sure as eggs is eggs. She sat across from me in the same carriage, a little way down the aisle, and over the course of the two hour journey she worked her way through three packs of sandwiches, four bags of crisps and several bars of chocolate. I tried hard not to watch you know? It was none of my business but if I’m honest, I was a bit choked.

I was her, only a few months ago, and it really got to me.

There’s a certain methodology when you binge, that I recognised. Watching her felt familiar, but horrifying. Passing comment when she bought the food, about it not all being for her, well I’ve done that a hundred times and that’s how I knew.

Haha no, of course not all for me! I’ll take a couple of each flavour, I’m not sure which they’d prefer…I’ll take a selection then they can choose. This should keep them quiet for a while….me, I could have been on the stage.

She positioned the bag out of sight, under her coat on the seat beside her. She never had more than one sandwich wrapper in front of her at any one time, empty packets were quickly tucked out of sight, and every time she pulled another thing out of the bag she did a quick recce first to see if anyone was watching. Her body language made her look as guilty as sin, furtive and uncomfortable. She didn’t look as though she was enjoying what she was eating, and yes, she was very fat.

Please understand I wasn’t judging her, in fact nothing could be further from the truth. I felt sadness, and empathy and every bit of me wanted to reach out to her.  But…well, you just can’t, can you? I can imagine the reaction it would have provoked in me, if some random stranger had stuck their sticky beak in and dared to address how much I just ate. Rage, humiliation, shame and undoubtedly a desire to rip their head off.

Quite apart from risking a smack in the chops, I had no right to intrude on a moment where she was probably feeling shit about herself anyway, if she was thinking, or feeling anything at all. Not my business. But, I cared, even if I couldn’t tell her.

I wanted to tell her all about the sweet spot, and the asshole, and the posse, and the chatter. I wanted to include her in the laughing and the relating, and the supporting. I wanted her to have what we all have. And it just made me think, how lucky am I, to have this safe place where you all understand, and even though we’re all working through our own issues, and yours might be different to mine it feels like we’re in it together you know?

I wish I could have told her ?

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Time For A Reshuffle


Its been a funny old morning. All that talk of poo yesterday came back to bite me in the middle of the night…mind you, it was my own fault. Let’s just say that eating two-day-old chilli on a bed of sprouts has a cleansing effect all of its own, and leave it at that. All I wanted to do was save points on the rice, who knew!

Anyway, given that I woke up feeling hollow this morning I thought I’d have a quick rematch with the bitch in the bathroom, and she appears to be going all out to make amends for our cross words at the weekend. According to the number she spat out this morning I’ve lost 4lbs since Sunday.

Given that I’ve had no organs removed between then and now, and I’m probably a bit dehydrated I’m taking it with a pinch of salt, but in any event it’s put a spring in my step this morning. And hot on the heels of that, I cracked my second smile of the day when I went to get dressed.

I couldn’t understand why my favourite work shirt looked odd. I mean it’s my old faithful you know? Having a fat day..? Not to worry, put on the pretty blue top with the daisies, it hides a multitude of sins. Well, ish, you know. Looking in the mirror I twisted this way and that before it dawned on me that it was just too big.

Now, I don’t know which is the most satisfying…being able to get into something which hasn’t fitted before, or realising that something I’ve worn all the time has to be put out to grass because now there’s not enough body to fill it. I think that one. Yes definitely the second one.

So, I’m thinking that this weekend, it’s maybe time to have a bit of a clear out. I talked in the early days of my blog about my wardrobe situation being ridiculous, due to my reluctance to confirm the permanent status of any fat clothes by actually hanging them up. Most of the clothes in there haven’t fitted me for donkeys’ years, and now feels like the right time to have a complete reshuffle.

I’m thinking perhaps a fits me now section, and a will fit me soon section. Much more user friendly than the current fuck off and don’t be ridiculous section which runs pretty much from all the way left to all the way right. I’m going to be ruthless with both my fat clothes and my skinny clothes. I need some rules!

Most important, I have to like it, right? I don’t know about you but certainly where fat clothes are concerned I’ve often bought something because it fit me, not because it was something I really wanted to wear. Let’s be honest, most fat girl clothes are awful. I think because the range of options of where to shop is more limited, the folk who design them probably get a bit cocky and think they don’t need to try so hard you know? Captive audience and all that.

At the other end of the spectrum, when I resided briefly in Skinny Town I went mad, buying anything and everything just because I could. It didn’t really matter whether the style or the cut suited me, it said size 12 and it fastened so I was having it.

And something else I need to consider, is that I’m almost ten years older than I was last time I sashayed around being skinny. God forbid someone would look at me in skinny clothes and mutter mutton dressed as lamb under their breath if my skirt was a bit too short. The shame of it!

Anyway that’s  a problem I look forward to dealing with down the line, but it’s a while off yet. First things first…out with the stuff that’s too big, and please God let there be a decent sized pile of that. In with the stuff that fits, and will soon fit, and a quick look through the skinny stuff to weed out the eyebrow-raisers. That’s before I’ve even started on the bags and bags of stuff I have in storage, but to be fair it’s not really a chore is it?

I worked hard for moments like this. It’s exciting! ?

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A Grande Soy Latte, Anyone?


You don’t get to fifty without having been around the block a time or two, and over the years I’ve seen a few things which have made my toes curl but if anyone had told me that this evening I’d be watching some bloke pouring coffee up his bum with a tube before doing yoga on his bathroom floor I might have chosen not to believe you, I mean WTF?

Perhaps I should point out that this was on the TV, in case you’re already shaking your head in wonder at the company I keep. It was a programme about dieting, and the bloke in question was waxing lyrical about how having a coffee enema was a brilliant way to take your mind off food cravings. You think? I should imagine it would pretty much take your mind off anything other than keeping your purse closed, if you’ll forgive the expression.

I was intrigued when I saw the programme advertised, especially given my recent brush with the binge demons, and after all is said and done I’ve sampled a fine selection of weird and wonderful diets over the years but I’m here to tell you I won ‘t be rushing down to Home Depot for a length of tube and a funnel anytime soon…I’d rather let the craving get me and eat the chuffing hobnob.

I appreciate it’s a bit at odds with the label ‘will eat anything’ but I’m a bit picky about what I put in my body, before we even get started on which orifice I put it in…someone asked me the other day whether I used any diet supplements, you know like the pills you can take to block the absorption of some fats? I don’t, although I have looked at them in the pharmacy whilst I’ve been shopping for other stuff. From what I’ve read they come with a side order of stomach cramps and emergency bathroom runs and I don’t really need that kind of drama in my life.

I’ve never tried anything like that, I’m a bit wary of screwing with my operating system. My body’s pretty knackered from years of food abuse but generally the plumbing sort of works. I’m a bit reluctant to try and fool it into doing stuff differently, on the basis that if it ain’t broke why fix it, you know?

I was all geared up a couple of years ago to try the master cleanse diet, the one where you drink nothing other than water and lemon with maple syrup and cayenne pepper. It seemed harmless enough and I figured that if it was good enough for Beyonce it was good enough for me. I might have stuck to it too if the first mouthful hadn’t gone down the wrong hole and nearly killed me, I think my eyes cried cayenne pepper for a week.

Anyway it turns out that this coffee enema thing is an actual thing, and not just the practise of some random weirdo found by Channel Four looking for his fifteen minutes of fame…who knew? I even found a cartoon about it (although you don’t even want to know what google images brought up when I typed the word ‘enema’!)

Think I’ll stick to Weight Watchers if it’s all the same to you, although note to self;  check menu closely on next visit to Starbucks 🙂

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Flirting With The Binge Demons

food coma

It’s safe to say that I didn’t react well following my run-in with the bitch in the bathroom yesterday, in fact the whole day was a series of challenges. We get days like that, right? Honestly, I was tested. It brought it home to me how much work I have to do yet, ‘specially on how certain things trigger certain reactions in me.

Nothing seemed to go right. Not dropping any weight really rattled me when I’d had such a great week. It had snowed overnight and it was really icy, so even with my proper walking boots on as opposed to trainers it was a fight just to stay upright when I went out. Just over a mile into my walk I turned around and came back because my back was starting to really hurt from holding myself so stiff, not to mention my butt cheeks which were killing me…a few more workouts like that and I swear I’d be able to crack walnuts between ’em.

I’d walked over four miles the day before, and I’d managed fifteen minutes on the cross-trainer, my longest ever session so only walking two miles yesterday was no big deal really, although being the drama queen that I am, I made a mountain out of a molehill and acted like my world was about to end.

So what did I do..? I came home and made a huge pot of skinny chilli, and damn near ate the lot. And then, having picked up some mini crunchie bars earlier in the supermarket I ate four in quick succession. And then another two. I was in a total food coma by 6pm.

Technically I didn’t cheat on my diet. I used up all my daily points, my exercise points and a wodge of my extra weekly ones. I didn’t do anything wrong as such. I was in control, keying the points values into my gizmo as I vaporised crunchie after crunchie, and watching them tot up. I knew how many points I could spend and I totally wiped out my budget but I didn’t blow it. I still have a handful of weekly points in the bank, and we’re all good. And yet. I definitely flirted with the binge demons you know?

I’m bothered by my reaction to things not going right. It’s like I reverted to type as soon as something didn’t quite go my way, and that’s exactly the kind of twisted thinking that has knocked me out of the sweet spot in the past. Now I’m out of my food coma and I have the perspective of hindsight, I’m choosing to regard yesterday as a lesson.

It doesn’t matter how determined I am, there will always be unexpected or difficult shit that flies out of left field, and coping with it is still work in progress for me. I didn’t binge per se, I caught it, but all those feelings of disappointment, frustration and failure bubbled dangerously close to the surface and tried to throw me right back to my default setting of eating my feelings.

What was beyond awesome, as I laid in bed feeling frustrated at the day were all the lovely thoughts and messages from you guys…I felt encouraged, supported and understood. It felt like balm on a sore spot and it helped, so thank you all 🙂

I had a fairly early night, but not before I’d done another fifteen minutes on the hurt machine. With a belly full of chilli and six mini crunchies…thank the good Lord for Gaviscon!

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When The B*TCH Won’t Budge


I won’t even begin to tally up just how many points’ worth of exercise I’ve accrued this morning as I’ve stomped around the kitchen being mad. I’m now sitting in the kitchen with a bottom lip sticking so far out there’s a very real possibility that I might actually trip over it. And it’s all over a stand-off with the bitch in the bathroom.

Those of you who’ve read the blog for a while will know this is an encounter that always carries the potential to go badly wrong. I mean everybody knows that the bathroom scale is predisposed to tell lies, and add numbers just to piss you off for no apparent reason. But I was so sure this morning as I stepped on feeling skinny that this week there’d be good news and maybe even an accompanying fanfare you know..? I’ve been awesome.

Lets look at the evidence. I woke up feeling skinny. In the context of the peaks and valleys of a very fat body, my belly was at lower altitude than my boobs, which is kind of my home-made measure. Closer to the mattress you know? I’ve eaten within points all week. In total I’ve completed about two hours on the hurt machine and I’ve walked just over seventeen miles with the furry one. So a very solid week, and yet the needle hasn’t budged. How DARE she pull a stunt like this on me today?

I did try to make it say something else…I mentally mapped out a grid system in my bathroom and tried the scale on every square to make sure it wasn’t the floor tiles underneath that were making it give a false reading. I mean that’s just a precaution, right? And you know, I might have taken the battery out and blown it before putting it back in and trying again.

Nothing. Not even a quarter of a poxy pound. All that effort, I could weep. The Asshole voice is having a party in my head and has already started to write the reactionary shopping list, which I can guarantee includes cheese balls and Haagen Dazs. Topics in his repertoire this morning include what’s the point, you gave it your best shot but why not have just a day off and start again tomorrow, you deserve better and this diet ain’t treating you right so maybe it’s time to give up, it’s not worth the heartache babe…you get the gist.

I know it happens. I understand all about plateaux you know, and why sometimes your body just needs to adjust a little before it continues the downward march. I’ve had a steady loss for the last five weeks, and on an intellectual level I get it. But on an emotional level, I’m not fucking interested, I’m just mad that I worked my socks off to stand still. I pushed through actual pain this week to do the hard yards with one objective in mind and I have nothing to show for it.

So, following most crappy encounters with the bitch in the bathroom, the only thing guaranteed to make me feel better is an act of defiance. And I’ve got to be honest and tell you that in the past it’s pretty much always involved chewing. And I’ve just eaten a big fat bacon sandwich.

The only difference this time is I’d always planned to have that big fat bacon sandwich this morning, it was pre-pointed and I’ve got to say absolutely delish. My act of defiance today will be to pull on my walking boots and set off with my furry friend, who is so far not impressed with the day either since he didn’t get bacon. I’m hoping the walk will make both of us feel better.

To the asshole, the diet and the bitch in the bathroom I’ve got to say…pathetic effort guys, it’ll take more than that to knock this fat girl out of the sweet spot 🙂

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