Holding The Line

no to food

So there’s only a couple of days left before our little mini break and I can’t wait to soak up the atmosphere of the Christmas markets in Dublin this weekend with a bunch of friends. I’ve been irritatingly angelic on my diet this week, I’ve not used any of my weekly points and I’ve resisted temptation despite being bombarded from all quarters.

My boss’s husband baked the most enormous victoria sandwich cake the other day which he brought into work for the team and OMG it looked absolutely lush, I was practically drooling…but I didn’t go near it 🙂

I’m slowly getting my head around the new Weight Watchers points system, it’s much easier to understand now they’ve got rid of the gremlins from their website…I think it’s going to be quite effective for no other reason than most of the things I like to eat as treats seem to have doubled in points so it’s put me off eating them. I’m not sure that’s sustainable, but for this week at least it’s not a bad thing. Plus I grumbled at them a bit and they gave me two weeks for free so all is forgiven, providing the diet works of course.

So as you know I’ve carved out a bit of slack for myself ahead of this weekend, but I’m not planning on going mad – I daren’t, in case my place in the sweet spot disappears in a puff of smoke. I’ll probably hold the line, stick to skinny food choices as much as I can and spend my extra points on fizz…that sounds like a good plan, right?

My friend doesn’t think so apparently. Her actual words when I outlined my plan were for God’s sake woman live a little! Delivered with tone of voice straight our of Snarkyville. It seems that in her humble opinion, the friends I’m travelling with will think I’m a proper diet bore if I don’t continually stuff my face with naughty things whilst I’m away. I don’t agree, and I might have mentioned that, just before I thanked her for her support. With a tone of voice straight out of Siberia. Yes, I see yours and raise you!

You want to know what proper support looks like to me? Eight years ago when I was doing the liquid diet, I spent 7 months drinking soups and shakes. In the middle of that time, my best friend and I went on holiday to a fabulous hotel in Turkey which was full board with the most amazing food…I never ate a morsel all week. We went down to dinner together every night, to our usual table right by the sea, and she ate her dinner whilst we chatted and admired the view.

I drank water and was perfectly happy, and she ate like a normal person and was equally happy. She knew it was important to me and she never batted an eyelid. That’s support right there. I lost five and a half pounds that week on top of having an amazing holiday. So forgive me for not believing that the friends I’m away with this weekend will be affronted by me declining pudding in favour of coffee, I mean why the chuff would they even be bothered?

They know I’m dieting, and it’s no big deal. You can bet your bottom dollar if there was a skinny string bean friend amongst us who curled her petite little nose up at anything with an actual calorie in it, nobody would give it a second thought. If the fat girl makes skinny choices, why should it be different? In any event, knowing my friends as I do, by the time dessert arrives they’ll be too pissed to notice anyway 🙂


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15 thoughts on “Holding The Line

  1. Your friends are your friends and support you in what you do. If someone is so insecure about her/his own choices that s/he has to cajole you into doing what you don’t want to do, that’s not a friend.

  2. I’m thrilled you’re on track with your plan 🙂 I agree it’s putting me off treats because the points have gone up so much for them – but that’s not such a bad thing – just makes me rethink if i really want them enough to give up something else!

    Enjoy your holiday – I’m sure it will be wonderful – and yes, you know what that other issue was about – behind you know LOL

  3. Dee, sometimes you have to wonder about people’s agendas and why they should think they can criticise your plan. Maybe she has problems around food or drink herself (even if she’s skinny)? Your other friends sound amazing. Have a great break and enjoy staying in your sweet spot. Full respect!! Xx

    1. Thanks Bagpuss! Actually she wants to lose a few pounds…she’s apparently starting her diet in January 🙂 Perhaps encouraging me to fall off the wagon was her way of making herself feel better…you know what, good luck to her, we each have our way right..? I’ve walked many many a mile in the shoes she’s wearing!

  4. Insecure people feel diminished by someone else achieving what they haven’t when deep down they really want to. It highlights their own flaws. But you just have to keep on doing what is best for you and not let someone else’s problems derail you.

  5. Dee, good for you! With the WW debacle going on, (dealt with!), i forgot about your Master Plan for fitting this excursion* snugly into the month. Brilliant, Darling. You didn’t let it slide.

    There’s a jumped-up feasting atmosphere in the Holidays, makes people intolerant of any attempt at moderation. kind of like your one friend’s crack. It’s a challenge to weave the weight-loss project into living our real life. So, [sigh… ] “Don’t be offended, if you are indeed feeling any way at all about what I’m choosing to do – & if it does offend you, too bad. You can get over your disapproval better than I can get over spending another year in the fat suit.”

    *i am sick with envy, sounds amazing. 🙂

    Love Fleury

    1. Aw just think Fleury this time next year we’ll be slinking into Christmas looking like proper hot mamas! We’ll belt out a tune or three huddled around the Christmas tree in the Skinny Town square…yep, this time next year… 🙂 🙂 🙂

  6. I don’t know if I just lost my comment or if I hit post accidentally. Anyway, I hope you have a safe trip and a good laugh with the girls. Don’t lose your sweet spot.
    Merry Christmas Dee.

  7. Have a great time Dee. I’m sure you will do great with the food. I leave for England on Sunday. I’m already drooling at the thought of sticky toffee pudding but I’m taking my fitbit and will walk every day. I usually lose or maintain when I’m in England because I walk everywhere even when I can hop on a bus. When I go to Ireland all I want is Irish wheat bread and scones mmm…………

  8. Dee, I do know what you mean, but I would say that the key to long term success is learning to eat what you want in moderation, so you don’t go off the deep end when you reach your goal weight and can eat more and more of foods you’ve been depriving yourself of. I have kept my weight to within five pounds (not sure how many KG that is) since I reached my “goal weight” in August. That’s the longest I’ve ever gone. It has been hard to eat more, to eat “fattening foods” to eat in moderation. It has been hard. But I’ve done it sparingly and made wise choices wherever I can. I’m up 4lbs. from my lowest weight since beginning this journey, which is still withing 2 lbs. of my goal. So I am okay with that. You will get there. You will. Enjoy your weekend and holiday.

    1. Thanks Tracey – yes, I’m 100% sure that I will. How can I fail this time. I’ll be knocking on your virtual door for more wise words when I get to goal, because I know staying there is an entirely different ball game! D x

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