Monthly Archives: November 2015

Athlete Under Construction


I think it was the CEO of Nike who once uttered those immortal words “If you have a body, you’re an athlete”. I’d like to hope that what he was alluding to was the wonder of the human body, rather than suggesting that everyone should immediately climb into lycra and start breaking world records. He’s right of course…the human body is an incredible thing, and very forgiving. I’ve abused mine to the moon and back over the years, and whilst it’s a bit battle scarred and will never again win any prizes for outward good looks, in its skinny form it has it’s own charm. Well ok maybe charm is pushing it a bit…it has it’s own unique…well, it’s unique, lets just leave it there.

When I visualise all the things which will once again be routine and easy when I’m skinny, it’s more often than not the little things that I look forward to most of all. I can’t wait, for example, to paint my own toenails. I mean of course I enjoy going for a pedicure, who doesn’t, right? But having a foot spa at home before slathering my feet with peppermint foot oil, wrapping them in cling film and pulling on a pair of warmed socks whilst I chill out with a movie used to be one of my favourite things to do. Only it’s a bit difficult when you can’t really reach your feet.

And how can I put this delicately..? Keeping a control of the bikini line design is much easier when you can actually see your target…I mean don’t get me wrong, I have several friends for whom this is also a challenge, one of my very good friends in fact was recently telling the story about her husband’s assistance in this regard – she ended up with a bikini line more usually associated with Hitler’s top lip, but then that’s what you get when you leave the landscaping to a bloke…no finesse. The fact that mine is done with crossed fingers and a nervous razor on a sight unseen basis is less bothersome given the fact that I’m single and being an inch out at one side isn’t going to offend anyone, but even so, I look forward to the day where I don’t have to have a stiff gin and say a prayer before I tackle the topiary.

Another of my skinny friends had a spray tan before our recent trip, and was talking about the embarrassment of having to lift up her boobs for the beautician to spray underneath. I got to thinking how many bits I’d have to lift up to get my all-over tan and by the time I’d mentally counted them all the conversation had long moved on.

So it’s the normal every day things I’m looking forward to as I peel away the dress sizes one by one. The first time I get an itch on that little patch of dry skin on the side of my ankle, and I can reach down and scratch it without toppling over or getting cramp in my hip from trying to bend my leg far enough up to meet my hand halfway will be a full-on bona-fide hang out the flags milestone, and it can’t come soon enough 🙂

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Not Freaking Out

long road

I suppose like anyone who’s quite near the start of a really long term weight loss journey, when I really stop to consider the size of the task ahead of me, it’s quite daunting. In fact, scrap that – clearly I’m trying to win today’s prize for the world’s biggest understatement…terrifying is a better word. I mean, I’m doing ok – the positive mindset has taken root, I’m standing in the sweet spot and I feel like I’ve come a long way, not to mention picking up a whole posse’s worth of company as an amazing support network. So my foundations are really solid..I can almost hear the ever-increasing sound of marching boots (and flip-flops, eh Fleury!) as more and more people fall in behind us and beside us on the road to Skinny Town…we’ve totally got this.

In terms of the size of the task though, I’m barely off the starting blocks. Right now, as documented by my encounter with the bastard in the bathroom last weekend, I need to lose 144.5 pounds. I mean, that’s a lot of pounds, right? It’s a whole other person’s worth of pounds. And I know I’m sort of breaking it down into bite sized chunks, our recent trip was my first short term goal and hitting New Year’s day as a size 22 is my next…there will be others after that.

But I’m trying to get two steps ahead of the asshole in my mind, build a solid strategy you know..? Just in case he wheels out the big guns and starts trying to freak me out by getting in my face about just how far away Skinny Town is. Several of you are much further down the road than the rest of us, and some have started from even further away and so your journey is even longer than mine. If any of you want to share your own thoughts on how you’re sidestepping the ‘freak out’ button in the face of this epic journey we could all pick out the bits that we like and line them up ready to pull on as required.

Despite being a fat girl with form – as in I’ve been up and down the sizes multiple times before – I’d struggle to articulate exactly what kept the momentum going for me in times past, because most of the diets I’ve done in my life were started with blind enthusiasm and I just hoped for the best. Twice in my grown up life I’ve sashayed through the gates of Skinny Town to great fanfare, and plenty of other times I’ve seen it on the horizon, camped in the suburbs for a while but somehow I’ve ended up heading back to Mooseville on the fucking bullet train without stepping so much as a toe over the town boundary.

I have no idea what makes the difference between seeing the journey through right to the end, and not. Each time I’ve set off it’s been from a little bit further away and that bothers me, a lot. I totally fall in line with the statistics and that offends me, given that I like to consider myself as unique. My big hairy audacious goal has to work…I don’t want to be a statistic any more. Any nuggets of wisdom would be most welcome, from those in the posse who’ve already found the secret to keeping the momentum going long term.

I’m not leaving anything to chance this time 🙂

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Willpower Testing Lab


So I’m heading out of town again this weekend, just for a couple of days – one of my closest friends lives a couple of hours north of here, and this same weekend every year there’s a large craft fair near to where she lives – it marks start of the run up to Christmas for me, since it’s chock full of Christmassy things. We go every year, and have a really lovely day out. You know the type of thing…there are some really unusual gifts, everything from hand finished cashmere shawls, beautiful statement jewellery, clothing and accessories to unique art works and beautiful house things. Oh yes, and the food hall.

What can I tell you about the food hall..?  I’m salivating at the thought. Most of it is home-made produce from local artisans who come and proudly display their wares…it’s an aladdin’s cave of speciality breads, cupcakes, flavoured vodka and gin, fudge, brownies, pies, sausages…olive oils, handmade chocolates, unique cheeses and amazing homemade chutneys. To be fair, that barely scratches the surface – it’s beyond awesome. And all the vendors give away free samples to tempt your palette and entice you into buying.

On a scale of 1-10, just exactly how much enticing do you reckon it’s taken in the past, to get this fat girl to stagger away at the end of the day under the weight of a dozen or more carrier bags..? “Would you like to try a…” “YES PLEASE!”  Yeah, that’s about how much. This time of year has invariably also coincided with the start of the pre-Christmas diet (which has been just as successful as the New Year diet, the Pre-Easter diet, the Post-Easter diet, the summer holiday diet, and the post-summer holiday diet) and as traditions go, the Living North Fair has also been the undoing of the pre-Christmas diet on pretty much an annual basis ever since we started going.

So it’s with a certain amount of trepidation that I’m looking forward to the weekend, because genuinely, it’s going to be a real test of my willpower. Here’s what usually happens. My friend, who by nature is one of life’s most nurturing people will ask me as we head towards the weekend what I would like to eat when I arrive on Friday. Am I dieting? Does a bear shit in the woods?  “Yes, I’m dieting but don’t put yourself to any trouble, I’ll eat what you eat, as long as I can point it”. And I usually do, after downing two large gin and tonics and the majority of the pre-dinner nachos and dip which I always say I’m not going to eat, but which I eat anyway.

Saturday morning usually starts with my friend cooking bacon sandwiches, which I accept with enthusiasm because this year – whichever year it’s been – I’m not going to eat anything from the food hall, I’m just going to look, so best have a decent breakfast. Did you know you can look with the inside of your mouth? It seems you can, I have perfected the skill over the last 5 or so years. By the time I’ve worked my way around all the stalls and sampled every scrap of whatever’s on offer, not to mention tasting the outputs from the cookery demonstrations I am groaning with food, having gained 10lbs over the course of one afternoon, and having left with enough food to last until the New Year diet starts. I mean I’ve blown the pre-Christmas one now, right?

This year, it’s going to be different. I’m telling you about it, and I’m accountable to you guys. I shall plan ahead, check in about dinner plans, agree there will be no nachos within spitting distance of me, and on Saturday I am going to have some samples…but I shall eat fruit for breakfast, and I’ll allocate myself a generous points budget for freebies so I don’t feel deprived. Then a light dinner will see me right.

I wonder whether any of the stands will have luxury polishing cloths so I can touch up my halo on Sunday morning.. 🙂

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The Three Second Rule

cake1Let’s talk about the three second rule – for the un-initiated, the three second rule applies when you drop a piece of food on the floor…if it stays there for less than three seconds, it is deemed acceptable to pick it up and eat it after first blowing on it or wiping it with your sleeve. It’s a rule most fat girls have in their kit bag,  along with toddlers who don’t care who dropped what and when, if it’s on the floor it’s fair game.

Like any rule worth it’s salt, it can be ignored…I mean obviously if you dropped something sticky in a pile of freshly mown grass you’re probably going to look at it and decide to bow out gracefully. But as a fat girl with a broken food filter, if I can possibly make the rule apply, I will.  The rule can even be extended or amended under the right circumstances. In my house for example, it’s a two second rule, because I have a three second dog and if you snooze, you lose.

Now, at first look you think, hmm…it largely depends on where you drop it. If you drop it at home, where you know it’s clean or at least you know which bits of the floor are clean, it’s a safer bet. At the very least, there are fewer folk likely to look at you with a combination of pity and disgust as you scrat around on the floor chasing after the morsel of whatever it is that you’ve dropped. Outside the home might be a bit more…icky.

What made this spring to mind was a recent incident on my trip. Bearing in mind, bar the odd birthday cake-related dilemma I had been really bloody careful with my food choices (evidenced by a one pound loss whilst I was away, I forgot to mention that yesterday in my haste to have a rant about the gremlins!) and so when we arrived at the airport to come home I’d mooched perfume and stuff in the duty free shop but avoided any goodies which might have been too hard to resist. My skinny string bean friend on the other hand had bought a massive bag of cheese flavoured crispy bugle thingies which under normal circumstances would have been right up my alley.

I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said I covertly watched every one of those little pieces of paradise pass her lips in the same way that my pooch sits in his bed and quietly drools his way through human suppertime whenever we’re eating. She offered the bag around…a couple of people took a handful, one or two people declined, and then it was my turn. Would you like some..?

Hell would I! What I wanted to do was to take the bag out of her hands, straighten it up, tip it up and pour the entire contents down my neck. What I really wanted to do, encouraged by the asshole in my mind was to run back through the departure lounge, go into the shop and empty their shelves of these orbs of cheesiness, shoving them all into my hand luggage so I could munch them for the entire duration of our ten hour flight home.

But no…I was in control. Adjusting my halo, I took one. Said thank you and admired the way it looked…smelled it in anticipation.  It smelled so cheesy my mouth was twitching. And then I dropped it. On the floor. In the departure lounge, where lots of people had walked, trolley wheels had criss-crossed the carpet tiles all day long, and there were bound to be nasties lurking in their hundreds of dirty thousands. The moment had gone…the offered bag had moved on, and my cheesy bugle sat there on the floor just crying to be eaten. I shit you not I could have wept at the injustice of it.

In the three seconds I had to react, I looked, in what felt like slow motion at all the people buzzing around…had anyone noticed? Would anybody notice if I picked it up off the floor and put it in my mouth..? If they did, what would they think? And then I saw her…the skinny-string-bean-glamour-puss flight attendant who looked like she’d never eaten a cheesy bugle in her life. She saw. So it had to stay there. I kicked it under my chair with a casual sweep of my foot, looking for all the world like it was nothing.

And you don’t need me to tell you that I thought about that cheesy bugle all the way home 🙁

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The Knackered Cracker


So you generally read my posts a day or so after I’ve written them, for a couple of reasons, Firstly I’m left with a horror – after it happened once – that I will sit down at my keyboard, flex my fingers and then completely fail to receive any words down the pipe from my head to my fingertips. Fortunately it hasn’t happened beyond that one time, and whilst I acknowledge that some posts are better than others, generally I can hit the 500 word quota I set myself without too much of a problem…I often canter into another of couple of hundred if I’m really in the mood to chat.

The second reason is that I like to reflect on what I’ve written…I am the queen of tweaks, a word here, a bit of punctuation there. Often I can’t quite put my finger on what it is that’s not right so I’ll pop the post back in the oven to bake for a little bit longer and then serve it to you the following day after I’m satisfied that it’s done as well as it’s ever going to be. Even an armchair psychologist could identify my in-your-face ‘be perfect’ driver eh? Yessir, that’s me all over.

So whilst the likelihood is that you’re reading this on Monday, or maybe even Tuesday, in my world right here right now, it’s Sunday morning. And I love Sunday mornings…pottering around the kitchen in PJs shadowed by Charlie the dog – ever hopeful of food – rather than the Monday to Friday up-shower-dress-out rush job. It’s the one morning in my week where I really think about what I fancy for breakfast, and have time to enjoy what I choose.

So, after careful thought I decided today I would have a small tin of tuna (3 points) mixed with some low fat soft cheese (2 points) sprinkled with Aromat and spread over a couple of salty crackers (2 points) with a cup of tea. It’s going well right up to the point where I take the crackers out of the little cellophane packet, and one of them is broken. When I say broken, I don’t just mean it’s in two pieces…two pieces I could manage. If whoever baked the cracker had put it in a mortar and pulverised it with a pestle before tipping it carefully into the packet made for two it would have struggled to be in more pieces than it was. The two-cracker packet was in fact one cracker and some big crumbs.

Food rage! It was the last packet in the box.  My cheese and tuna combo was mixed and waiting in the dish ready to be spread carefully on two crackers. And I’m looking at one cracker and a pile of mush. How much do you hate it when that happens…? I ended up tipping the bits into the tuna and cheese mix and spreading the whole lot onto my one remaining cracker. Now I know that logically I’d eaten the same amount of food…except I hadn’t. I felt cheated. I felt like I’d had one cracker. The asshole’s opening gambit was to eat four, we’d agreed on two and now I’d ended up with one plus crumbs. This is not my happy face…

I have a friend who insists on eating broken food, you know she’ll even root through the cookie jar to find one with a corner knocked off. Her skinny girl theory is that she gets to eat the cookie but every missing corner is a few calories less and it all mounts up. My fat-girl wiring sees me lining up all the cookies so I can pick the biggest, or the one with someone else’s corner stuck to mine, so I can maximise the cookie experience but still say I’ve only had one.

Except I never do have just one, obviously. But that aside, comparing the two mindsets is a big fat clue in itself as to why she’s a skinny string bean and I’m not. If I’m going to think like a skinny girl, maybe I should lay off the corners too, right..?

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