So we all have our own ideas about what we find attractive in members of the opposite sex, right? Personally for example, right now give me a kind octogenarian who’s loaded, has no family on whom to lavish his pots of cash and who wants nothing from me other than the odd game of scrabble and oversight of his nightly meds, and I’d be all over that. Ha ha, joking aside…oh wait a minute that’s right, I’m not joking…boom boom!
But lets imagine that I was…I’ve always been attracted to larger than life, broad shouldered blokes. Beyond that, I’ve never really had a ‘type’, unless you class ‘loser’ as a type…it’s been a definite common denominator amongst the majority of my significant others. But in terms of looks, I’ve never been that bothered. Provided they kept a watching brief on the nose and ear hair situation and had a good level of personal hygiene, from a physical perspective that was about the extent of my wish list.
I’d say that on the whole blokes are more visual creatures than females though, and most blokes would be able to articulate in far more detail than you might expect, the kind of woman they are attracted to. And that usually includes a body shape within a certain height/weight ratio.
Whilst I was out for dinner over the weekend with one of my closest friends, he posed an interesting question – being a fan of the curvaceous female form himself, he wanted to know whether, if I was with a partner who found skinny unattractive, would I still be hell bent on reaching skinny town? And it was a really hard question to answer. I’m dieting for me. I’m the one who finds being fat unattractive…skinny is the body shape I like best, on me. I’m a single girl through choice so it’s fairly straightforward, but what if?
What if down the line I did meet someone and fall madly in love, and it transpired that their ‘perfect woman’ body shape was at the end of the spectrum that I’m at now..? It’d be the ultimate bloody irony, but would I immediately head for the pie shop with a wad of cash? I’ve definitely been conscious in the past of maintaining a particular body shape to please someone other than myself.
One bloke in particular who I fell for in a big way was a real fitness hound, and was completely turned off by the idea of fat girls, so in the knowledge that if I didn’t stay skinny he’d disappear in a cloud of dust, I kept the weight off for around a year…my longest ever stint in Skinny Town. As things turned out, it was my feet that generated the dust when I realised he had spawned the daughters from hell. It would be inappropriate for me to go into detail, but I’ll just put the words bunny and cooking pot out there, and leave the rest to your imagination.
Getting back to the point though, in theory, if you love someone, or someone loves you, and it’s true love, body shape shouldn’t really come into it. But I don’t think it’s as simple as that. You do hear of people walking away from their partners for a younger or skinnier alternative, and actually, even more so the other way around…newly skinny confident minnies leaving their long term partners and going for an upgrade. So the whole issue of gaining and losing weight throws up some interesting questions within the boundaries of a relationship.
Not something I need to worry about, but to answer my friend’s question, I’m thinking no…the asshole in my mind would go batshit crazy of course, and bang the pie-eating drum incessantly, but I’m at that stage in my life where I know what I want, and I’m going after it. I want to be skinny, for me…and at the end of the day I’m the only one I have to worry about