Another week down…so that makes me one week closer to where I’m headed, right? It’s been a rough one to be honest, I’ve spent most of it buried somewhere underneath the poorly blanket in my beloved armchair, my plans for the weekend in tatters following the onset of some rotten lurgy that snuck up and pinched my voice on Tuesday when I wasn’t looking and hasn’t quite handed it back yet.
I’m so glad that I had a really quiet one last weekend…despite all my frustrations with the wonky subscription feed, having to liaise with tekkies across two time zones meant I was working in the blog most of the weekend, so in between this test run and that, I managed to pretty much draft all of this week’s posts, otherwise there may have been a distinct wobble in your reading material this week! As it is, beyond the odd feeble tweak and edit here and there in between coughing fits they were good to go, hopefully none of you were any the wiser. I still sound a bit like Minnie Mouse but I’m no longer begging for someone to put me out of my misery.
So, from a diet perspective it’s been a good week…I’d love to claim the credit but actually my throat was too sore to swallow. Not that that would have stopped me in past times…you would have laughed, I’m so in the zone I even caught myself looking on the back of bottles of cough medicine for nutritional values mid-week. Having said that, every cloud has a silver lining – I feel distinctly skinnier! Not too long ago, I would have been quietly furious that I’d finished the dieting week with unused points, and you might well have found me cramming as many naughties into my face as possible to make sure I used up every last one. Curiosity pushed me into an encounter with the bitch in the bathroom this morning, and I’m happy to report a 2lb loss this week…I’ll take that
I’m going to try and get some fresh air tomorrow, I haven’t left the house in 4 days and I am climbing the walls with cabin fever! The same Christmas fair we missed this weekend does move around, and my friend and I might follow it next weekend depending on what she’s up to, so hopefully we haven’t missed out altogether. It will mean her coming to stay with me rather than the other way around since it will be nearer here than there, but that might work out ok – we have a hot tub in the garden and it’s that time of year now where there’s enough of a snap in the air to make it an awesome place to relax and catch up so providing I’ve managed to kick the lurgy into the long grass by then it will be lovely.
I’m glad to say all the issues with the subscription feed seem to have been resolved, and our subscriber list continues to grow – I value each and every one of you. Every comment, email and new subscriber request reminds me how lucky I am to have all of you along on this journey with me – you’re making a world of difference. I promised honesty, and the thought of ‘fessing up any wobbles pretty much keeps me hitting it straight!
Have a great week everyone, and thanks for your continued support x