Never having been one to keep a diary – well except for during one angst-ridden teenage year which I still have and which is both amusing and painful to read, in equal measure – I don’t know how easily I’ll take to committing a regular download of my thoughts into this place. I’m the Queen of unfinished projects, so I’d hazard a guess that I will take to it with gusto and throw myself in wholeheartedly. To start with anyway
I’ll kid myself that I’m being sufficiently guarded, when in actual fact I’ll probably be far too honest. I’m likely to forget that I’m not just keeping a diary for my eyes only, which means I’ll completely forget to deploy my filter and share far too much information without realising I’m doing so. It wouldn’t be the first time that my big mouth has landed me in hot water.
But I’m guessing as risks go, it’s a fairly small one in the grand scheme of things…after all who would really be that interested in the musings of a middle aged woman who’s just looking for a bit of non-judgemental company on her journey from fat to fabulous. If you’re on your own journey it might even be interesting to compare notes.
So that’s it…home page written, first 2 posts posted. I’m sure at some point as I play around with all this stuff I’ll figure out how to do pictures, and add interesting stuff to supplement my ramblings. I’m excited…seems a far more creative outlet than therapy!